Makeup Services

by Dora's Makeup

Monday, April 9, 2007

more about my hubby....

Well.. the doctor's office called and said that my husbands test on his kidney's came back okay....
BUT they saw a mass in his liver and they want him to get an ultra sound on wednesday morning.. she has already made his appointment for him when she called me..I'm kinda nervous about that..
I am praying that the Lord will take control and I am claiming good health for my husband and for strenght and patience for me...
right now I feel aweful! I am so stuffed up and have a terrible headache! my allergy doctor told us to get hepa filter room air purifiers and I think it gave me and Isaiah the sniffles! the air was blowing kinda cold...wierd...
so that is the low down..
also an update on Mr Brady from my church, his illness is an incurable cancer in his blood! it can go in remission, but not be cured.. his family has to wait a couple of months to go to u of m to get a a marrow transplant, so please pray for him and for his family.


SturgillMom said...

We will definitely keep praying...keep us informed

Stephanie said...

I'll be praying for your husband!
Also, for your allergies - there is a special filter you can put in your furnace (you can get them at Wal mart) if you have that ability, it might help a little.
Hang in there girl!

The Boe's ~ said...

Hey Dora,
Will be praying tomorrow morning for his visit. Keep us posted. Hope you get feeling better too!!

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