Makeup Services

by Dora's Makeup

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Summer is here..

Not much going on here.. it is sooo hot and has been the last couple of days..
I have started getting allergy shots, and I can tell the difference with that and my new medication.. I have terrible allergies!
I am afraid that I passed that on to Isaiah.. he has them now, too.. he is sneezing and coughing and has a runny nose.. especially when we go outside.. so the doctor gave him zyrtec in a liquid form! my poor baby!
Today the graduation party season begins! YAY!
I hope everyone is doing well, and praying for eachother..
I just want to say because I have been thinking about it a lot and a friend is having issues with hers...
Please pray for your husbands daily (I am sure most of you do, but this is a gentle reminder) pray for him to follow God daily, to stay in His word, to be strong and a good husband and father.. sometimes we can be so picky and "naggish" with our husbands and we forget to appreciate him and don't pray for him.... Pray for ladies who are going through issues with being without a husband, whether it be due to death, or divorce.. or just not having a husband and having to raise children all alone.. something to think about. I know Father's day is coming up. Keep our men in prayer.
have a great weekend.

1 comment:

mitchells2000 said...

Thanks for the reminder to pray for our husbands... I do, but it is still good to be reminded. I think many times we just get into a rut, and become ungrateful for the men that God has given us. I'm just so thankful that my husband loves me enough to put up with me, in spite of my flaws and imperfections (which are many!)

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