Well, last night was the Cantata at Church.. it was nice.. I was sitting right behind the drama team, while I was in the choir, so I got to see everything up close and personal!
All the college kids are home for break.. I feel so old, some of the kids I used to babysit are college kids...some of them go to MBBC!
This is kind of a bittersweet time of year, because my brother, Martin, is in Iraq right now.. I can imagine how crappy it is for him to be there and not with his family.. I pray for him everyday. I miss him tons.
My little sister Valentina is home from Grace Bible College for break.. she wants to sit out a semester! I told her no, because it is hard to go back once you have stopped.. believe me.
I can't believe Christmas is next monday.. I am not ready! Where did the time go!!!
I hope that the Lord Blesses everyone and keeps you all safe and peaceful this Holiday season.