I found this on Refundcents.com,
we don't have an Albertons here in Saginaw, but I thought this might help someone who has one in their area.
They have figured some of the deals out with coupons that have come in the Sunday Paper.. and the date that they came ex. ($1 RP 6/7) <--- that means it came in the red plum insert on 6/7
Anyways, here it goes, hope to help someone.
At Albertsons in most regions, starting today, there is a General Mills cereal promotion for Buy 3, Get free milk up to $4.50. Voucher will print when you check out. GM cereals are $2.49, use $1/3 c/o (S 5/31) or $1/2 (S 6/14)
Also at Albertsons, there is a big promotion Buy 10 items, get $5 discount instantly. Here are some of the products, with coupons that apply. Check your ad for a longer list, must buy in multiples of 10 to get the $5 deducted:
Kellogg's Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops $1.99 ($1.50 RP 6/7) - final price free
Kellogg's Raisin Bran $1.99 ($1 (RP 6/7) - final price .49
Kelloggs Rice Krispies $1.99 ($1 RP 6/7) - final price .49
Kellogg's Pop Tarts $1.99 (.55 RP 6/7) - final price .94
Capri Sun 10 pack $2 ($1 S 4/19) - .50 final price
Dannon Activia 4 ct $1.99 ($1 S 6/30) - .49 final price
Dannon Light & Fit 4 ct $1.99 ($1/2 S 6/21) - .99 final price
Heinz 57 Steak Sauce $3.29 ($1 S 5/17) - final price $1.79
Planter's Big Nut Bars $2.49 (.75 S 4/19) - final price $1.24
Also Here is a TGIF Coupon For Buy one Entree, Get one FREE!!! :-)
Today only, at 6pm.com, Anne Klein footwear is 50% off+, click here. There are 9 pages of shoes.
Again, there isn't a CVS here, but I found it and thought it might help someone!
CVS shoppers: Always Infinity Pads are normally $10.79, but are scanning at $4.99, even though it's not advertised. Use the $4 coupon from P&G 6/7, and pay .99. Check for the sale price at the scanner.
The First Taste offer is back from Kraft. Sign up to become a tester for Kraft products. Be sure to fill it out completely, then log into your account to see what they offer you, like high value or free coupons to try specific products. I chose to be interested in about every product they offered me to increase my chances of being part of the feedback for that product. The last time this opportunity was available, it only lasted 1/2 a day, so sign up now if you want in.
Download a free Thomas & Friends Brushing Chart
Click here to request a free Sample of Carefree Pantyliners or Stayfree
Take this printable coupon to your local Hardee’s to get a FREE 6-Pack of Biscuit Holes when you purchase any breakfast combo. This coupon expires 7/26. I have no idea where the closest Hardee’s is, but these Biscuit Holes look seriously yummy. Found this on www.couponcravings.com
Sign up here for 24 complimentary issues of Parents. Enjoy the 2 years of Parents free. No strings attached. You'll never receive a bill.
I'm on my way out the door, but wanted to post this real fast. Jessica Sprague.com is offering a FREE 2 week photo editing class. Sign up by June 28th. Go to her blog and scroll down to get all the details.
"You will love learning how to add beautiful frames, brushes, and edges to your photos, and giving them specific looks: dreamy, vintage, cross-processed, soft light, and LOTS MORE. You're in for the educational experience that only JessicaSprague.com has to offer: screencast video, a private gallery to post your work, a forum to answer your questions, daily emails from Jessica, and a GORGEOUS free kit courtesy of our friends at House of 3".
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